Our ultimate mission is to engineer new and exciting ways for people to control the home, and most importantly their daily lives again by simply talking to the home and having it flawlessly respond back with hundreds of functions.
Web Pilot Inc Was incorporated in New Jersey in 1995 by a Combat wounded Air Force Officer.
The mission at that time was to develop home automation systems to help with the daily chores with those of different levels of disabilities. The mission also was to help the veteran or civilian to go back to work by reducing the simple day-to-day tasks that became so difficult.
As we developed newer software and technology we perfected the voice recognition to a state-of-the-art level unmatched any where on the planet. We will prove it to you!
We will perform a live demonstration by phone or Internet and show what we can do.
We currently work with the US Government, private organizations, institutions and individuals.
We install and support systems nationwide.
When hiring our staff we give first priority to the disabled.
We are constantly upgrading our software to stay ahead of the fast moving technology of today. Including the Latest Smart TV’s that work with a dedicated IP address, which is the way the industry is going.
You can now work from the Wheelchair or your Bed.